1965 Little League World Champions
Joe Fitzpatrick
David Lingua
Dr. Pete Lingua
Bob Norris
Carrie Schiessl Ghareeb
Robert O’Connor
Dan Sullivan
Craig Winter
Michael Collins
Michael Heneghan
Russell Jubrey
Lori Longfritz
Robert Morrell
Larry Lichstein
Russell Mattesen
Holly Storms Muehlenkamp
Elias “Spud” Shapiro
Steve Scheerer
1963,1964 State Soccer Champs
Theodore Netcoh
Pat Scelza
Sue Tremblay
Vincent Colapietro
Steven Szykula
1966 Baseball Champions
Carolyn Bravakis
Robert Cressotti
David Farr
Catherine Flanders
George Hall
Michael Mascaro
1966 State Champion Indoor Track Team
Joe Barberi
Wendy Davies Stauffer
Peter Maltese
Michael O’Connor
1970 State Champion Soccer Team
1971 State Champion Soccer Team
Carmen Guido
Jason Hamley
John Magnani
William Stone
Howie Tersavich
Judy Van Schelt Jones
Ted Kone
Tom Koren
Lou LaTorra
Tara Malcolm Phelps
Peter Preli
Sonya West (Pohoylo-Macierowski)
1978 State Softball Champions
Paul Ciarcia
Bill Lash
Elmer ”Red” Leary
Brian McKeown
Steve Michalewicz
Robert Nussbaum
Trina Quagliaroli
Fran Aniello
Charlie Zien
Debra Lee
Frank Netcoh
Roscoe Gray
Raymond Roncari
Mark Savage
1990 Soccer Team State Champions
Fans of the Game: Roland and Rita Murdock
Eileen Farr Annis
Sean Bravakis
Bob Fraher
Bob Murray
Scott Willet
Fan of the Game: Joan and Fred Allen
Sidney Burnap, Jr.
Gina Cangemi Garfield
Rich Macierowski
Don Pisati
Peter Sarant
1994 Class S State Champion Boys Soccer Team
Fan of the Game: Don Gilbert
Glenn Flanders
Hal Larson
Coach Al Shapiro
Ed Staron
Brittany Whiteley
James Zien
Fan of the Game: Sandy DiPinto
Frank Carroll
John Chapman
Erica Goralski
Mary Jane Hussey
Tom Mehan
Gary Morrell
2001 Class S State Champion Boys Basketball Team
Fan of the Game: Lenny Senofonte
Todd Johnson
Bill O’Neil
Mark Sargent
Charles Sidway
Kathy Leonard Williams
Fans of the Game: Rita and Paul Roy
Rich Blevins
Tom Fahey
Earle Flick
Dan Kycia
Curt Schiessl
Maureen Walsh Shultheis
2005 Class S State Champion Baseball Team
2006 Class S State Champion Baseball Team
Paul King
Tom Mandrola
Brendan Copes
Valarie Gasparino Giaccone
Kathy Heneghan
Paddy O’Connor
Meghann Booth
Paul Callahan
Pete Couture
Daniel Farr
C. Glenn Flanders, Jr.
Nancy Shapiro O’Brien
Tim Talbot
1983 Class M State Champion 4X400 Boys Relay Team
Jessica Berube
Jordan English
James McKenna
Debra Munson
Scott Shaw
Robert Sheehan
Tim Sheehan
Fan of the Game: Fred Salvatore
Lisa Tambussi
Robb Leary
Vic Sasali
Michael Quagliaroli
Brian Holmes
Caitlin Malcolm Lennon
Bill Sideravage
2000 State Champion CO-OP Hockey Team